Monetizing Misogyny

Cover von "Monetizing Misogyny", gelbe Schrift auf schwarzem Hintergrund. Verschiedene Gesichter von Frauen sind in einer Collage zusammengefasst, die wiederum die Silhouette einer Frau bilden.
Empirische Studien
Politische Aspekte
Rechtliche Aspekte

Digital media was initially perceived as a welcome tool for liberation and democracy, yet it’s increasingly becoming a tool for repression and a weapon used against women in politics, activists and journalists all over the world. While social media companies have not invented sexism, or authoritarianism, they have been providing illiberal actors new, exceptionally powerful tools to attack citizens and undermine human rights and democracy, further marginalizing those voices they find threatening.

This research aims to understand the patterns, impact and modus operandi of gendered disinformation campaigns against women in politics in Brazil, Hungary, India, Italy and Tunisia.

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