Gewalttätige Reden

Empirische Studien
Grundlagen und Begriffseinordnung
Hate Speech in den Medien
Paper für den Zweiten Workshop des AFK-Arbeitskreises Theorie der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Friedens- und Konfliktforschung
Jörg Lehmann
27 Seiten

This conference paper discusses the phenomenon of 'hate speech' disseminated via the media. In contrast to Judith Butler's approach, which focuses on the victims of hate speech, this contribution underlines the functions of 'hate speech' with regard to the sympathizers, i.e. the formation of 'hate communities' in diasporic public spheres brought together via the media, search for recognition and legitimacy by the speakers. The paper thus underpins from a theoretical point of view what is being aimed at with the German concept "Volksverhetzung" (incitement of the people). The paper was presented to the working group on theory of the German Association for Peace and Conflict Studies (…).

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