#Tracing Online Misogyny

Mittwoch, 6. März 2024
13:00 – 14:30 Uhr
You will get your Webex link for attending the talk shortly before. The Talk will be held in English.

 #Tracing Online Misogyny

Representing a highly virulent, acute and ever-more relevant topic, hate directed against women has consistently increased across both analog and digital communication as women are systematically being attacked and denigrated on the internet. In online discourse, they fear harassment, fantasies of violence, rape and even death threats. Many women avoid speaking out publicly or others opt to withdraw from such spaces. This worrying trend has made the voices of women more invisible, leaving the virtual realm free to those who engage in violent and misogynistic behavior. Online discourse as a vital part of democratic dialogue becomes less legitimate and representative as a result.

We are proud to present the study: Tracing Online Misogyny – An analysis of misogynist ideologies and practices from a German-international perspective. This study is the outcome of a collaborative research between the BAG (Federal Association for Countering Online Hate Speech) and the Belgian tech company Textgain. The aim of the report is to explore country-specific narratives and framings used in misogynist practices online – particularly in relation to the so-called manosphere. While the study primarily concentrates on the German-speaking digital sphere, it also draws comparative insights from the French, British, Slovak, and Dutch linguistic areas.

We warmly invite you to join our NETTZ.Talk on March 6, 2024, from 13:00 to 14:30 (online), where we will engage in discussions about the findings of this study.

You can register here.


  • Welcome & Introduction
  • Opening Remarks by Melanie Haas, Head of Department 1 (Democracy and Engagement) at the BMFSFJ
  • Presentation of findings and actionable recommendations by
    Corinna Dolezalek, Karolin Schwarz, & Pierre Voué
  • Open Discussion

Melanie Haas is Head of Department "Democracy and Commitment" at the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth

Corinna Dolezalek is the Scientific Support Officer for the BAG (Federal Association for Countering Online Hate Speech)

Karolin Schwarz is a freelance author, journalist, consultant and expert on disinformation, right-wing extremism online and right-wing terrorism.

Pierre Voué is Data Scientist at Textgain

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